19-Acre Campus: Shaping a Brighter Future Together

Getting to know the new location!

$3.3 Million Raised and Closed - Alhamdulillah!

By the sheer mercy of Allah SWT and the steadfastness of our community, it brings us great joy to announce that we have successfully “closed” a significant chapter of securing the property! The collective efforts and dedication of our community have propelled us forward, and we are delighted to take a moment to celebrate this milestone.

Around half of the closing amount was raised through Qard Hasan Interest-free community loans. We seek your donations to pay back these committed community members who put up their finances to help us close the deal.

New Campus Concept Plan

Location: Situated in the idyllic surroundings of Leander, this 19-acre site is nestled in a secure and welcoming neighborhood, located at 650 Private Road 920. Its strategic location provides excellent accessibility for both western and eastern communities, and offers ample flexibility to develop the land in alignment with our vision for the future Renaissance Academy campus.

Vision for the Campus: The envisioned campus will holistically cater to our community’s spiritual, academic, and extracurricular needs. It will feature a Masjid, division-level buildings catering to pre-school and K-12, an auditorium, athletic center, track fields, and other essential amenities inshaAllah.

Community Commitment: Renaissance Education Foundation extends heartfelt gratitude to our supporters for their unwavering dedication to our mission and vision. We would especially like to thank Br. Wahed Qureshi, Br. Sam Sheik, & Br. Eyad Kasemi for their tireless efforts and commitment. Together, we are forging a brighter future for our next generation and community. The Renaissance Education Foundation Board and the passionate expansion team look forward to sharing this remarkable journey with each and every one of you as we continue to grow and thrive together, inshaAllah.
Please stay tuned for further updates as we embark on this transformative journey, guided by the blessings of Allah (SWT).

Jazakum Allahu Khairen
Board, Renaissance Education Foundation

What is Renaissance Academy?

Renaissance Academy is a full-time Islamic school located in the heart of Austin, Texas. It has been serving the Greater Austin Community since 2007, providing Pre-k through College-Prep High School programs with 100% graduation rate. Our Alumni have been admitted to Tier 1 colleges such as UC Berkeley, UT Austin, Texas A&M and others.

The Mission of Renaissance Academy is to graduate students with academic excellence, leadership skills and distinguished moral principles who contribute to society and fully live the values of Islam.

Closing Volunteers!

There were many volunteers and parents who supported this cause, listed in alphabetical order only:

Abdulwahab, Ahmad Ayesh, Akber Mohammed, Akhil Ahmed, Ali Taseer, Altaf Khatri, Amjad Pasha, Arshad Mohammed, Asif Shaikh, Atif Syed, Essam Atalla, Eyad Kassemi, Feras Majeed, Haleema Kazi, Hana Zibdeh-Lough, Hasan Ali, Henry Mayi, Hyder Khan, Jeneen Yassin, Khasid Ali Khan, Mahmood Syed, Majid Mohammed, Mohammed AbdulMoheeth, Mudassir Kazi, Musab Abdullah, Naser Mohammed, Naveed Ahmad, Nudrat Khatri, Parvez Shaikh, Parvez Sikander, Samed Pasha, Sameer Sheikh, Seydou Ba, Shakeel Chowdhary, Subani Sheikh, Sulaiman Abdulazeez, Suleman Khatri, Tabrez Shaikh, Tajammul Syed, Waseem Riyaz, Zakaria Nayeem, Zuha Sultana and others.

We’d also like to thank the following Shuyoukh and Imams for attending and supporting this cause in various capacities. Also listed in alphabetical order: Shaikh Ahmed Abdulkhalek, Shaikh Amjad Mohammed, Shaikh Anamul Haq, Shaikh Islam Mossad, Shaikh Jawad Rasul, Shaikh Said Atif, and Shaikh Yusuf.

May Allah SWT reward you all immensely for your various efforts and dedication to this cause, in this world and the hereafter!