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Character Building
is at the core of our mission at Renaissance Academy. Our Islamic identity is strong and our school culture, programs of study, and daily activities all work to impart strong Islamic beliefs into our students. Our goal is to graduate practicing Muslims and we know that the best way to do that is to provide an environment and school community in which students realize the beauty of Islam and feel true joy and love in doing what they know is pleasing to God. Islamic studies is not taught in a way that is removed from everyday life but it is rather made relevant and meaningful. We teach simultaneously to the heart and the mind so that as the students’ knowledge base grows so does their love. At Renaissance Academy, students learn that Islam is a mission that guides them to be of upright character and a source of positive and dynamic change for their families, communities, and society at large. This is the way that Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – and his Companions lived Islam and we strive to emulate their noble examples.
- Weekly Friday Congregational Prayers are conducted on the Renaissance Academy premises with special Khutbas that are specifically geared toward our student population. We aim to ensure that each Khutba deals with a topic that is age-appropriate and relevant to the lives of our students. The Khutba is also delivered in a manner that captures the interest of students of the ages that attend the school
- Dhuhr Prayer is held daily at Renaissance Academy. Students learn the importance of praying on time and the daily Dhuhr prayer is a time for spiritual reflection and rejuvenation. Students are trained to sit quietly after the prayer for a few minutes of Dhikr, following the example of Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him. The Dhuhr prayer is often preceded or followed by some words of advice, Islamic lessons, and general Tarbiya. The students also learn the importance of the Sunna prayers and students are encouraged to pray Sunna before and after Dhuhr
- Morning Assembly is held daily before school starts with the recitation of Quran, the saying of a number of special Du’a that Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – used to say every morning, and short presentations by students who discuss the importance of a Quranic Aya, a Hadith, a Du’a, or a short story. The Assembly is always kept positive and helps students begin their day on a positive, motivational note
- Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are celebrated at Renaissance Academy with a number of programs and events that make students feel the importance of these Islamic holidays